Its that time of year again - whatch out for those ghosties!!!  This is a great game to play in your neighborhood.  Here is how it works...

1. Print out the pdf found here. (it should print out two pages)

2. Bake some treats (ideally Halloween in theme)

3. Make 2 plates of treats and tape a ghost to each one.

 4. Deliver the plates to unsuspecting neighbors.

5. You can knock and run - or just leave them and hope they find them in the morning!

6. You can tape the ghost to your door so you don't have to make more treats.

Here is the text of the poem:

You’ve been Ghosted!
Late last night, we left you a treat.
The tradition is fun, one we hope you’ll repeat.
Take the ghost and pin it on your door,
To let others know, you need be ghosted no more.
Now it’s your duty to pass on the surprise,
To two more families, we must advise.
Gather some treats and deliver them soon,
Within two nights, under the light of the moon.
Include a ghost with each package you give,
Along with this poem for the tradition to live.

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