Milk Jug Skeleton

I remember having one of these growing up!  Easy to make but fun for the kids.

There are instructions all over for these things.  There is a link to an easy how-to at

Here are some written out (thanks to

What You Need:
8 - 9 clean plastic gallon milk jugs
Scissors & craft knife
Glue gun
One-hole punch

SKELETON HEAD: Turn a milk jug upside down In the corner opposite the handle cut out a large pair of eyes, the mouth and two holes for the nostrils.
Make two small slits in the top of the head and tie a loop of string through them to hang the finished skeleton.

SKELETON CHEST: Slice down the centre of a jug - opposite the handle. Cut the plastic to make a rib cage. Glue the head and chest together with hot glue.

SKELETON SHOULDERS: Cut off two jug handles leaving a small collar on each end. Use hot glue to attach them to the chest section. Punch a hole at the outside end of each shoulder.

SKELETON WAIST: Cut out two spouts, leaving a 1/2 inch collar on each. Hot glue the spouts together. Glue to the bottom of the chest.

SKELETON HIPS: Use the bottom 4 1/2 inches of a jug. Cut into a pelvic shape. Glue to the bottom of the waist.

SKELETON ARMS & LEGS: Cut the bone shapes from the jugs. Tie to the shoulders and hips.

SKELETON HANDS & FEET: Trace the kid's hands and feet. Cut these shapes out of the jugs. Punch holes into the hands and feet and tie them onto the arms and legs.

For a greater effect you can paint Mr. Bones a neon color or with "glow in dark" paint so that he will glow as he greets your Halloween guests

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